Pediatric Assessment Triangle Education Study Information Sheet
You are invited to participate in this research study. This information sheet is to assist you with deciding whether or not to participate.
Please email any questions you may have.
Title of research study: Pediatric Assessment Triangle Online Module
Study Investigator: Tabitha Cheng, MD
Why are you being asked to be in this study? You are being asked to be in this study because you are a learner who is interested in learning more about optimizing pediatric assessment and care.
What is the reason for doing this study? The assessment of a critically ill child can be challenging for many providers, especially those with relatively infrequent encounters with such children. The Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) is a tool used in pediatrics, emergency medicine, and prehospital care to guide formation of a general impression of a pediatric patient. The PAT provides a simple standardized approach to the emergency assessment of pediatric patients and allows for quick determination of the patient's primary underlying physiological abnormality to guide the next steps in management. The purpose of this study is to determine the best method to teach the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) for learners' knowledge acquisition and self-assessed confidence in using the PAT.
What will be done during this study? In this study, you will be participating in an educational activity online learning the pediatric assessment triangle. You will be asked to complete a pretest before completing the education, a post-test immediately after completing it, and follow-up post-test 1-2 months after completing it. You will also be asked to complete a survey. After completion of the study, you will be given free access to the alternative training method.
What are the possible benefits to you? The potential benefits associated with the research may include enhanced knowledge and confidence in using the pediatric assessment triangle. However, you may not get any benefit from being in this research study.
What are the possible benefits to other people? The information gained from this study may add to the existing knowledge by studying the efficacy of various techniques for teaching the pediatric assessment triangle. The information from this study may help guide medical educators to make decisions that impact the future of medical education.
What are the possible risks of being in this study? The risks to participation in this research study are minimal. Fatigue and mild psychological stress related to completing the pretest / posttests may occur.
What are the alternatives to being in this study? Participation in the study is voluntary. The alternative is to not participate in the research study. If you choose not to participate, you will NOT be penalized in any way; your participation or lack thereof should NOT have any impact on your employment, certification, or evaluations.
What will it cost you to be in this study? There is no cost to you to be in this study.
Will you be rewarded or compensated for being in this study? No, you will not receive compensation.
What should you do if you have a problem during this study? Your welfare is a priority for the research team. If you have a problem as a direct result of being in this study, you should immediately notify the research team (Tabitha Cheng, MD; The costs of any medical problems unrelated to this research study are also your responsibility. There are no plans to provide payment for lost wages, disability, discomfort, etc. You do not give up any legal rights by agreeing to participate in this study.
How will information about you be protected? We will take reasonable steps to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your study data. The only persons who will have access to your research records are the study personnel, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the website maintenance team, and any other person or agency required by law. Your results from this study will not be shared with your employer, certification agencies, or licensing agencies. Research records provided to authorized, non-Lundquist personnel will not contain identifiable information about you. Study data will be electronically secured. As with any use of electronic means to store data, there is a risk of breach of data security. The information from this study may be published in scientific journals or presented at scientific meetings, but your identity will be kept strictly confidential.
What are your rights as a participant? You have rights as a research participant. These rights have been explained within this consent form. If you have any questions concerning your rights or complaints about the research, contact the investigator(s) below or the Lundquist Institutional Review Board (IRB).
This research has been reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board ("IRB"), a group of people that reviews human research studies. You may talk to them at (310) 222-3624 or if:
• Your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team.
• You cannot reach the research team.
• You want to talk to someone besides the research team.
• You have questions about your rights as a research subject.
• You want to get information or provide input about this research.
What will happen if you decide not to be in this study or decide to stop participating once you start? You can decide not to be in this research study, or you can stop being in this research study ("withdraw") at any time before, during, or after the research begins. Deciding not to be in this research study or deciding to withdraw will not affect your relationship with the investigator or have any impact on your employment, certification, or evaluations. You will not lose any benefits to which you are entitled. If the research team gets any new information during this research study that may affect whether you would want to continue being in the study, you will be informed promptly. You are freely deciding to participate in this research study.
Your clicking the below consent link to the screening questionnaire means that: (1) you have read and understood this consent form, (2) you accept the provisions in the form, and (3) you have decided to be in this research study.
If you have any questions during the study, you should talk to the investigator listed below.
Principal Investigator: Tabitha Cheng, M.D. Harbor-UCLA Emergency Medicine 1000 West Carson Street Torrance, CA 90509